Bullying can have a significant impact on a child's mental health, self-esteem, and overall well-being. As parents the thought of our kids suffering through bullying or being a bully is one of our biggest fears. Regardless of whether they are the victim or the perpetrator, it is important to have many open and honest conversations about the topic as they will undoubtedly be a part of or witness bullying. 

Here are some tips on how to talk to your child about bullying.

Start the conversation early

It's never too early to talk to your child about bullying. Even young children can understand the concept of being kind to others and treating them with respect. Use age-appropriate language to explain what bullying is and why it's wrong. Teach your child to stand up for themselves and others, and encourage them to speak out if they see someone being bullied.

Listen to your child

If your child is being bullied, it's important to listen to their feelings and concerns. Validate their emotions and let them know that you are there to support them. Don't minimize their experience or tell them to toughen up. Bullying can be a traumatic experience, and it's important to take your child's feelings seriously.

Teach empathy and kindness

Bullying often stems from a lack of empathy and understanding for others. Teach your child to be kind and empathetic towards others, and to put themselves in other people's shoes. Encourage them to look for ways to help others and to be a positive influence in their community.

Talk about the different types of bullying

Bullying can take many forms, including physical, verbal, and cyberbullying. It's important to talk to your child about the different types of bullying and how they can be hurtful. Discuss how to recognize the signs of bullying and how to report it to a trusted adult.

Set boundaries and consequences

If your child is the one engaging in bullying behavior, it's important to set clear boundaries and consequences. Let them know that bullying is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Encourage them to apologize and make amends for their behavior. Seek professional help if necessary.

Bullying is a serious topic and as such it should be discussed tactfully. If you're having trouble initiating the conversation, you could use a book as a starting point for your discussion. Checking in with your child frequently can also help you address any issues that come up quickly. I have made it routine to ask about what my child sees at school in a judgement free zone. My child has come to expect my check-ins and looks forward to them. He feels heard, and it has also opened dialogue on many sensitive topics. 




April 12, 2023 — Barbara Chernyukhin