Montessori education is a child-centered approach with core values that focus on independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child's natural development. While most people associate the Montessori method with education in schools, it can also be applied to the home environment. When applied to the home environment, the Montessori method can be used to create a space that promotes autonomy for children.

In this blog post, we will explore some simple ways to implement Montessori into a children's space.

Incorporate child-sized furniture

One of the key principles of Montessori is to create an environment that is child-sized. The idea is that furniture that is scaled to the child's size will promote independence and comfort. Incorporating child-sized tables, chairs, and shelves can help children feel more in control of their space and encourage them to care for and take ownership of their belongings.

Create designated spaces for different activities

Another important aspect of Montessori is the idea of creating a space that is organized and purposeful. A Montessori space is often free of clutter, and all items have a designated space. For example, a Montessori room will have designated spaces for different activities, such as a reading corner or a work area. Spaces are defined by using rugs, shelves, or curtains. The importance of creating designated spaces comes down to promoting focus free from distractions. 

Use natural materials

Montessori emphasizes the importance of using natural materials in the environment, such as wood, stone, and fabric. These materials are more aesthetically pleasing and help children connect with the natural world around them. Consider adding wooden toys, baskets, and shelves to create a warm and inviting atmosphere to any room. 

Encourage independence

Independence is a key aspect of Montessori education, and it can also be applied to the home environment. Encourage children to take responsibility for their belongings by ensuring everything is accessible to them. Cleaning, and organizing is much easier when shelves, baskets and hooks are at accessible heights. You can also implement a process to help your child keep organized. For example, putting everything away when your child arrives from school. Lunch container in the sink, backpack in a drawer, and art can be put away or thrown out. 

Limit the amount of toys and materials

Montessori emphasizes the importance of limiting the amount of toys and materials in the environment. Limiting the environment is important because it allows children to focus on a few things at a time and promotes creativity and problem-solving. Consider rotating toys and materials on a regular basis to keep things fresh and interesting.

Involve children in the design process

Finally, involve children in the design process to encourage ownership and investment in the space. Ask them what activities they enjoy and how they would like their space to look and feel. This can help them feel more connected to their environment and promote a sense of pride and responsibility.

Adopting Montessori principles into a children's space can be a simple and effective way to promote independence, creativity, and learning. By incorporating child-sized furniture, creating designated spaces for different activities, using natural materials, encouraging independence, limiting the amount of toys and materials, and involving children in the design process, you can create a space that is both functional and beautiful.




  1. American Montessori Society:

  2. The Montessori Notebook:

  3. Montessori Rocks:

  4. Montessori Method:

  5. The Montessori Company:

  6. Simple Families:

May 08, 2023 — Barbara Chernyukhin